
,Forinstance,forantibioticswithtime-dependentkilling,theoptimalresponsesoccurwhenthetimethatthedrugremainsabovetheMICisequalorgreater ...,2007年10月24日—Tigecyclinehasareportedmeanterminalhalf-lifeof37to38hours....ItsPDpropertieshavenotyetbeenfullyelucidated,butitappearsto ...,Time-dependentantimicrobialsincludetheβ-lactams,glycylcyclines,andvancomycin.DEPICTIONOFPHARMACODYNAMICPARAMETERSOVERA...

Time-Dependent vs. Concentration

For instance, for antibiotics with time-dependent killing, the optimal responses occur when the time that the drug remains above the MIC is equal or greater ...

Which Antibiotics Are Time- or Concentration

2007年10月24日 — Tigecycline has a reported mean terminal half-life of 37 to 38 hours. ... Its PD properties have not yet been fully elucidated, but it appears to ...


Time-dependent antimicrobials include the β-lactams, glycylcyclines, and vancomycin. DEPICTION OF PHARMACODYNAMIC PARAMETERS OVER A CONCENTRATION TIME PROFILE ...

Optimal antibiotic dosing. The pharmacokinetic ...

由 MD Reed 著作 · 2000 · 被引用 15 次 — The time-dependent killing pattern is dependent on the duration of pathogen exposure to an antibiotic. The hybrid pattern of antimicrobial activity involves ...

MIC & Time- vs Concentration

2021年4月27日 — Antibiotics with a long post-antibiotic effect can be administered at longer dosing intervals than would be predicted by their pharmacokinetic ...

Antimicrobial Fundamental Concepts

Concentration independent (time dependent) means that the rate and extent of microorganism killing remain unchanged regardless of antimicrobial concentration.

Rationality of Time

由 J Liu 著作 · 2021 · 被引用 8 次 — Time-dependent antibiotics eradicate microbes based on the time for which bacteria are exposed to the antibiotics at a concentration higher than ...


The post-antibiotic effect (PAE) can be absent (macrolides), minimal (betalactams, including penicillins and penems), or moderate (glycopeptides, linezolid).